Everyone’s heard of Santa Claus correct? The big round man who goes around houses to give gifts to children who have been good all year long. You know, the same one who eats cookies and milk. For those of you who were on the nice list, congratulations. Unfortunately for those who made it on the naughty list, I can only pray Krampus decided to take a vacation this year.
Krampus is the son of Hel the Norse god of the underworld from Norse mythology and is the satanic counterpart to Santa. It is said that Krampus is a half-goat, half-demon monster who leaves coal in your stocking as a warning that it’s coming for those naughty children.
In some versions it is the monster who takes children away on the night of December 5 also known as Krampusnacht (Krampus Night) the day before St. Nicholas day to beat them with sticks and branches: but in other versions, it is told that it would eat the children or drag them to hell.
The story of Krampus originated from Germany and its name derives from Krampen meaning “claw.” Did you know that in the twentieth century, Krampus was actually banned in Austria and Germany because of its resemblance to the Christian devil?
There was a time where young boys would traditionally dress up as Krampus on the night of Krampuslauf (Krampus Run) but this was banned later on as anyone who was caught masquerading as one would face the death penalty. Crazy right?
The legend of the real Santa Claus originated around 280 A.D. in Patara, near modern day Turkey. There was a man named St Nicholas who gave away all of his inherited wealth and travelled helping those unfortunate and poor.
One of his most well-known deeds was how he provided three sisters a dowry so they could get married instead of being sold off into slavery.
It was said that after St. Nicholas died, he was revived as Santa Claus and continued to live eternally as a charitable being who comes to visit every year on Christmas. Now the question remains, have you been naughty this year?