Kelly Nelson
Gennesy Cintron
One of Hawthorne High School’s drum majors, Gennesy Cintron, was interviewed recently about her experiences with the marching band. The Clarion was interested to see how a first year drum major’s point of view varied from a second year drum major.
Clarion Reporter: What inspired you to go out for Drum Major?
Gennesy: It was when I auditioned for section leader and didn’t get it. That kind of pushed me to work for a bigger goal. So I thought,“Fall down seven times, stand up eight” type of thing. I really wanted to push myself. Because I knew that I always wanted to be a drum major, that was just one of my goals. So, just achieving that goal was a really big thing for me.
Clarion Reporter: What were some of your goals going into the season?
Gennesy: My goals were to get the band to listen to me. It was really difficult at first, actually. It wasn’t until halfway through the season that I really felt that I met the expectations that were there for me. And I wanted to make a difference in the band, I didn’t want to be just another drum major. I wanted to make the band better, in as many ways as I could.
Clarion Reporter: Do you feel that these goals were accomplished this year?
Gennesy: I like to think so! I really hope so, because I tried very hard last season being injured, and I’m still trying to do that. So hopefully I’m still doing an okay job of that.
Clarion Reporter: What do you think you will take from your experience as a first year drum major?
Gennesy: I think I’ll take the leadership skills with me, definitely, and just having patience. To go from being the person that looks up to somebody, I am now the role model…I am the somebody that people are looking up to and that’s a big thing. Being a role model for other people so you constantly have to be on, which is a big thing. That and just taking authority, and taking charge and making decisions, it’s a big thing to me.
Clarion Reporter: What is your favorite part of marching band?
Gennesy: My favorite part of marching band? It has to be my uniform and I love the boots. I love the boots! And I love the dress and the cape and the white shako and the blue plume. I just love my uniform. And what comes close to that is conducting. I love conducting, it’s exciting. When I get on the podium and I salute and people are cheering for me, it’s such a rush of adrenaline, there’s no words to explain it. It’s one of the best feelings.