How a Student Film Is Produced

January 23, 2019
Hi, my name is Christopher D Simmermon Jr. and I am a writer for the school newspaper, The Clarion. I am also a student who makes films. The biggest question I often get, is “How can I make a student film, just like you do?” Here are a few steps:
Getting prepared for the film: To get ready for a film on campus you first need clearance from the administration for that school to be allowed to film. Once you get clearance you will need to plan dates on which you will be filming. Always remember to write a script so you know who’s where and what the purpose of each scene is. Once you have everything in place give your crew members a place to meet up.
Starting the Film process: Assign actors to specific roles in the film and after that, we can begin acting and filming. Once the film has concluded the director and producers begin post production where we start the editing process. I use a program called “Final Cut Pro” for most of my editing, but there are also online programs that you can use like “We-Video.” Once you have finished your film you can now either submit it to your your broadcasting department or publish it on YouTube. Whenever you publish to YouTube it is automatically copyrighted which means you own the rights to the video.