Alumni Spotlight: Sara VanderBrink

Kimberly Tamburro, Staff Writer

The Clarion is excited to introduce a new column called “Alumni Spotlight” showcasing graduates from Hawthorne High School. Next up, HHS alumni Sara Vander Brink  from the class of 2016.


Clarion: What are you up to now?

Vander Brink: I am currently going to college.


Clarion: Did you play any sports or were you a part of any clubs?

Vander Brink: I was in Peer Leaders, National Honor Society, Italian Honor Society and I also played volleyball.


Clarion: What was your favorite high school memory?

Vander Brink: My favorite high school memory was shadowing Mr. Warner at a football game.


Clarion: Who was your favorite teacher?

Vander Brink:  Mr. Corvo was totally my favorite.


Clarion: Did you end up attending college…if so where?

Vander Brink:  I am currently going to West Virginia University


Clarion: How was your high school experience?

Vander Brink: My high school experience was average.


Clarion:Has any of the teachers you had impacted your life in any way?

Vander Brink: Mr. Warner impacted my life because he inspired me to go to college for sports medicine.


Clarion: If you had to do high school all over again, what would you do differently?

Vander Brink:  If I had to do high school all over again, I would branch out more to people earlier on.