Alumni Spotlight: Kevin Foley

Kimberly Tamburro, Staff Writer

The Clarion is excited to introduce a new column called “Alumni Spotlight” showcasing graduates from Hawthorne High School. Next up, is HHS alumni  Kevin Foley from the class of 1985.


Clarion: What are you up to now?

Foley: I am married with four children. I’m still on the Hawthorne Volunteer Fire Department and I am a troubleshooter with PSE&G for the past 32 years.  


Clarion: Did you play any sports or were you a part of any clubs?

Foley: I played football and I did track.


Clarion: What was your favorite high school memory?

Foley: My favorite high school memory was the bonfire and the Thanksgiving Day football games.


Clarion: Who was your favorite teacher?

Foley: Mr. Lutkins was my favorite teacher.


Clarion: How was your high school experience?

Foley: My high school experience was memorable.


Clarion: Did any of the teachers you’ve had impacted your life in any way?

Foley: Mr. Lutkins taught us teamwork and about hunting and fishing.


Clarion: If you had to do high school all over again, what would you do differently?

Foley: I would not do high school over again.