Chronicle is a movie that follows the development of three high school students who are bonded together, despite the differences in their social statuses, by their discovery of telekinetic powers. Dane DeHaan plays the role of Andrew well; Andrew is an introvert who doesn’t really have any friends. His cousin Matt, played by Alex Russell as a typical high school student, feels bad for Andrew and invites him to a rave at an abandoned warehouse. Michael B. Jordan effectively conveys Steve, a starting quarterback who is friends with Matt, who also goes to the rave.
The movie is filmed through the lens of Andrew’s video camera that goes with him everywhere, and which he even brings to the rave. While the rave is going on, Matt and Steve invite Andrew to check out an odd hole they found off to the side of the warehouse. When the three of them check it out, they black out and later wake up with the ability to lift small objects using their minds.
The movie progresses and gets more interesting as the plot thickens. It takes a few unexpected turns and the suspense grows to keep viewers asking themselves what’s going to happen next. The movie has an emotional ending and is one of the best relatively low-budget movies I have seen.