Twisted, by Laurie Halse Anderson, is a novel geared towards teenage boys that anyone would enjoy reading. The book is about a teenage boy name Tyler who is considered by his peers to be a “loser” but after being punished for his mischief is forced to do community service by helping the school’s janitors over the summer. While Tyler is doing his community service, his physical appearance changes; he gets taller and more defined. When school starts again, Tyler’s new appearance begins to become a problem for him when the girl of his dreams begins to like him.
The reason I gave this book 5 stars is because it is a great novel for both males and females wanting a book they can relate to or for anyone who wants something good to read. Tyler struggles with the girl of his dreams, who he had a crush on for a long time, but she only caused problems. Tyler also struggles with his parent’s trust. Ever since he got in trouble and had to do community service his father looks down upon him as a mistake. Even though Tyler goes through a lot, the author is able to let us see into Tyler’s mind and understand what he is thinking when he handles both problems.
Tyler is a great inspiration for all by the positive choices he makes, even though some were especially hard for a teenage male. Although Tyler you may sometimes be shocked by Tyler’s thoughts about his emotional issues, you will learn to love him. When I started reading this book I could not put it down.