September Horoscope

September 19, 2016
Aries: Aries this is the month where you will show the world who you are! Come out of your shell a bit and try new things that might scare you. You never know you could end up liking them a lot!
Tarsus: Tarsus you will make lots of new friends this month. You just have to go out and look for them. I’m sure you’ll hit it off great with all the people you meet.
Gemini: You are a very hard worker who puts your all into your school work. However, you may notice that some people just aren’t ready to get into the swing of the new school year. Don’t let them be the cause of you having a good school year. Take a closer look at the people around you and I’m sure you’ll find another hard worker just like you.
Cancer: Sometimes people may take what you say the wrong way. Don’t worry or freak out. Take a deep breath and try wording what you want to say in a different way, they may just understand you better that way!
Leo: You are a very strong person who is willing to fight for what they believe in. However Leo, during this month you may see that not everyone will see eye to eye with you. Don’t let the words that they say get in the way of your dreams and what you believe. This month try to keep an open mind and keep doing what you do best!
Virgo: You are going to have some hard times with your peers…just don’t let it get you down! Instead of arguing with them, try giving their ideas a shot as well! Their ideas might just be able to help you in the long run with school.
Libra: Libra you are one good and loyal friend, but you have to remember you don’t know all the answers to the world’s problems. So take it easy and don’t go crazy with all the questions from your friends or underclassmen that you may be asked. Just think the situation through first and if you’re sure you’re willing to help, then go for it.
Scorpio: You will get some advice here and there from people that may make you a bit unsure about what it is you’re hoping to do. Take what they say into account but make sure to keep your eyes open to other possibilities as well. At the end of the day the one who makes the final decision will always be you.
Sagittarius: This month you will meet people who will blow you away with their looks. Don’t be so quick to make them your friends. You should first take the time to know them as a person before you make your decision. They may end up being the ones that help get you out of a sticky situation in the long run…remember that.
Capricorn: You have big dreams and you’re eager to achieve them…but before you run off and do all the amazing things that you know you can achieve, you need to stop and think things through first. Look back at the choices you made in the past and think about the choices you’re planning to make in the present.
Aquarius: You’re ready to go out and face the world…just don’t rush into things Aquarius, you should slow down a bit and take in the world and the people around you now.
Pisces: You’re a very creative person, but not everyone will understand your crazy and wonderful ideas. So hold your head up high and try to look forward to meeting that other unique person who could be just like you.