How to Survive A Zombie Apocalypse


Liam Duffy, Staff Writer

Have you ever wondered what you would do during a zombie apocalypse?

You would surely die in five minutes because the shock and fear of seeing the zombies would probably lead to your horrible demise. Luckily, we have years of zombie movies that have taught us what to do in this situation and how to survive to see another day.

There are many routes and ways for living a long life in a zombie-infested wasteland. You can look for other survivors and supplies so you can make your own safe haven. If you want to be alone, you can search for a place that is far away from civilization (and the dead) where you can live in peace.

In order to escape zombies, always destroy the mouth or head so they won’t be able to bite you. They will always walk slow so you have an advantage to either fight or escape them, but if they can walk as fast as you, you’re in big trouble. If you want a way to secure your place in the world, then become a warlord of the wasteland through years of fighting, recruiting, and sending fear into the hearts of other survivors. With your own army of devoted soldiers, you will rule the wasteland and no zombie will ever come an inch in being near your presence. As long as you instill fear into others, people will think you are a king.

These are the best ways of surviving the zombie apocalypse. You can either become a lone wolf, a searcher for a safe haven with others, or a warlord who rules with an iron fist. You can choose which route you want to take, but all that matters is that you survive or else you will be eaten alive.