An Opinion: Is WWE Wrestling Fake?

The Undertaker
October 5, 2016
We all remember watching wrestling matches on the WWE channel from when we were younger. They had amazing battles and there were times when a war broke out between factions of wrestlers who wanted power. All of this violence, blood, and fighting was done to get the WWE championship belt.
Basically, the wrestlers engaged in all of this near death fighting just to get a tournament belt, which is just a giant belt that may be fake. Sometimes, these events are a little too good to be true. They may even sound down-right ridiculous because some of the stories are just impossible to believe.
The Undertaker or Kane was “killed” once and he came back from “the grave.” If he really did die and came back from the grave, people would be terrified and run for their lives instead of watching the show. There was a wrestling faction bent on sacrificing wrestlers just so they could get the belt or. There was even one time where a guy was killed by drowning in cement by Kane pulling the lever. If he really did kill someone, he would be in prison forever.
My point is all of these story lines involving the fights are just a cheap way to make more plot twists and to get people riled up for more wrestling matches. If they are going to do matches involving story lines, then they should do it in a way where it won’t get out of hand and involve zombies, psychotic wrestlers, impostors, and the guy who owns the WWE turning out to be the bad guy.
My only advice is to keep things simple, WWE isn’t brain surgery or anything close to it.