The Start of Holiday Shopping

Sierra Van Houten, Staff Writer

Halloween is over and now we are in November, the month where the cold weather settles in, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner.

But people have already started shopping for the holidays. But is it too early?  According to 14% of Americans have already completed their holiday shopping. This could be  a good thing though. This means you don’t have to be worried about being trampled at the mall on black Friday, along with a million other people.

Last year black Friday was brutal, with people walking out of stores beaten, bruised and some with broken bones. But 30% of people who did start, say they will not be done until the beginning of December, some even procrastinating until Christmas Eve. However, most people prefer to start right after Thanksgiving.

The crazy thing is that stores have not even put up their holiday displays yet. Polls show that people prefer to shop in the stores rather than online, but there will still be the people relying on their phones to get them through this holiday season. The malls are still going to be packed and hectic just like last year, but because of the early start people have gotten this November, there will not be as many people on Black Friday going crazy.

But just remember that people are crazy and will do anything for a good deal. Just be warned because you will still have to stand in the long lines and get through the mobs of people waiting to get into the stores. And keep in mind that fighting someone to get a plain t-shirt for $20 is not worth being trampled and beaten for. And if a store is too packed, you can probably find an identical item at a different store for a cheaper price.