Our Generation vs. Thanksgiving

November 23, 2016
We all know the history behind Thanksgiving, but do we really know why we even celebrate? The first generation of Thanksgiving: Pilgrims and the Indians, thankful for all they had, despite the fact that they didn’t have much, as a result of leaving England. Yet still, they were thankful. Now, fast forward to this generation. Now, we only see Thanksgiving as an opportunity to eat food and watch football. And, possibly, when our parents ask us, and we feel obligated to answer, we will list some things that we really enjoy in life, because we don’t know what we would do without it. That’s not being thankful; that’s taking everything for granted.
Being thankful means you don’t always think and talk about how everything you have has to be updated to the latest version, and you are content with what is in front of you. I know this is so contrary to everything this generation is about, but sometimes we don’t even notice what we have; the things that are the most overlooked are our most valuable blessings. We don’t ever acknowledge the fact that there’s always someone who has less than us. Instead, we indulge ourselves in football and food. Am I saying those things are bad? No, I am saying that sports and food will always be around us, even those who seem to take everything for granted, but our family will not always be around us.
Oh, and let’s not forget to prepare our clothes for tomorrow, Black Friday! Ah, yes, Black Friday. That wonderful, yet brutal day has ironically invaded Thanksgiving!
Through Black Friday, we have let the things we don’t have, become bigger and more important than the things we do have! We’d rather skip taking a good break, relaxing, taking time to enjoy family, friends, and reflecting on what we have. It is very strange to me that we would trade wondering about what else we want and what else we can get in life, over being thankful.
I examine that most people in this generation, and outside of it as well, keep on saying that there is no hope for it. But let’s instead realize why, and resolve to be thankful. Then, there will be change.