Best Throwback Toys of All Time
The Classic View Master
January 25, 2017
Nowadays most kids do not want any toys for their birthdays or Christmas. They are more interested in electronics and new phones rather than getting an actual toy. When most of us were kids the toy industry was constantly coming up with great new ideas for new toys. But now there are no good toys for the children of the upcoming generations that do not involve having to go get a pack of batteries. Here are the top 10 best throwback toys from earlier times when kids actually had to open a box and some assembly was actually required.
- Gak- This was a silly putty colored bright green to represent the iconic Nickelodeon slime. This flubber like material provided kids with hours of fun and enjoyment.
- Moonshoes- These were a type of shoe that elevated you about 1 foot off the ground and provided the feeling of zero gravity by having springs that helped you jump higher
- Tamagotchi- This toy was a virtual pet that you had to take care of or else it died. Many people have proved that they do not have the ability to be able to handle the responsibility.
- Polly Pockets- These were miniature Barbie type dolls that you could dress up and play around with.
- Etch A Sketch- If you were a very artistic child you got one of these. When you turned a knob it drew a line and eventually the lines would connect and form a picture.
- Hippity Hop- This was a ball that you sat on and bounced around on. It had a handle attached so that you would not wipeout once you got on
- Magic 8 ball- This was used for kids to be able to predict the future and to tell if they were eventually going to have a million dollars. You had to shake the ball and then it would give you a yes or no answer.
- Yoyo- This might be the most basic “toy” ever invented. This device was two pieces of plastic and in between a roll of string. This toy has come so far with the amount of tricks you can do. There are even competitions that people enter to win money.
- Doodle Bear- This cuddly stuffed animal was a big hit with kids all over the world. This bear came with a washable marker. This gave kids the creative freedom to express themselves in any way that they wanted to. And if you ran out of space on your bear you could throw it in the washing machine and the marker would wash off completely and create a new design.
- View Master- If you had one of these you were one of the coolest kids on your block. This was a device that looked similar to binoculars, but were way cooler. This is where you had a disc of images and you put them into the machine. Once the disc was placed in the machine you could press a button and scroll through all of the images. The themes ranged anywhere from Spongebob to the Little Mermaid.