March Horoscopes

March 16, 2017
Capricorn- Don’t let words phase you and change who you are. People come and go, but notice who has always been there for you and cherish them.
Aries- Listen to the advise people give you, it’s for your own good. This month is all about taking advise into consideration to benefit you.
Taurus- HEY YOU!! You are truly amazing and your personality is perfect. Keep smiling, keep doing the things you love, and keep being your true self.
Gemini- You deserve the best and only the best. Eliminate negativity in your life and only think about the positive aspects.
Virgo- Speak out and voice your opinion. You have such a lovely voice that needs to be heard.
Libra- Don’t ever stoop to the rumors, the hateful words, and the pettiness of the people around you. You are worth it and more.
Cancer- You are becoming someone you are not…take a step back and reevaluate who you are inside.
Leo- Friends come and go no matter what… it’s going to happen sooner or later and so don’t be discouraged.
Scorpio- Focus on your studies, grades, and you especially, don’t put your main focus on a guy you barely connect’s not worth your time.
Sagittarius- Move onto bigger and better things, stop worrying about someone who probably doesn’t care about you. If they can hurt you they don’t care, if they can put you down they don’t care, notice the red flags.
Aquarius – Your happiness should be shown more often with a smile and an uncontrollable laugh. Spend a day this month where you just have fun with friends and family instead of worrying about life.
Pisces- Things happen in life (good or bad no matter what) so get used to it.