15 Things to Do When You’re Bored
Stop Being Bored!
May 25, 2017
The beginning of summer is the best time of year; no more school means no more homework! But after the first few days of sun and fun, it can get kind of boring. Here’s a few ideas for when you don’t have any clue what to do. The days can seem long and boring, but here are a few ways to spice it up and make the best of it. This is only a small list of good ideas; maybe you can come up with your own ideas!
Watch TV
Go on your phone
Hangout with friends
Watch Netflix
Go for a walk
Listen to music
Play with your pet
Take pictures
Play a sport
Go to the mall
Go to the park
Hopefully, these few ideas were helpful. Find something interesting to do to make all of your summer days fun…enjoy your break everyone!