HHS Art Show

Kieran McAllister

Beautiful HHS Art Show Art

Alli Getchell and Leah Rosado

On Friday, May 19 the Annual HHS Art Show was held from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.  A wide variety of students’ works of art were displayed throughout three different locations in the building. In the courtyard, there were drawings and paintings created by Ms. Russo’s CP and Honors classes. In the middle of the courtyard the senior honors art class was displayed, this included art by Mina DiFilippo, Sevan Asidaurian, Aleks Lorenz, Emily Skinner, Hannah Tait, Skylar Tait, Andrea Nelson, Mackenzie Conroy, and Erika Werking.

In the courtyard, the Art Club held a bake sale to raise money for the club. Additionally, two student-made bands made an appearance during the common lunch period, giving the atmosphere a creative and light feel.

Mr. Michael Livingston’s Broadcasting classes presented many of the students’ works in the auditorium. It included silent films, commercials, music videos, and funny skits. Miss Rachel Ambrogio’s Ceramics classes had sculptures and pottery created by students. In the hallways, there were displays of photo-shopped pictures, photographs taken by students, drawings, and other projects. 

All in all, the Art Show was a vast success. Thank you to everyone who submitted their art, and the teachers made responsible for organizing the event.