Making A Fortune On Youtube


Michael Galland, Staff Writer

The new popular craze Fortnite is rapidly taking over the gaming community.

A popular Youtuber in the Fortnite world is Tyler Blevins (Ninja). He makes new videos (several times a week) showing his game play in the game. Some people may wonder how he can afford to spend all of his time sitting in front of a screen. Well, Youtube pays Youtubers like Ninja to make videos. He will accumulate money depending on how many people watch his videos and how many people subscribe to his channel.

Twitch is another video game streaming company who also pays Ninja when people view his videos. He has reached 5,000,000 subscribers on Youtube as of 2018. As his channel grows, his income increases. Currently he is making approximately $500,000 in a single month. His income for one month is over five times the amount of an average persons income in a year. Given his income per month, he makes around $6,000,000 in one year.

Ninja’s subscribers are the ones to thank for all this success because if people had not clicked on any one of Ninja’s videos, then he wouldn’t be making the same amount of money as he is now. Ninja went from working at Noodle co. to making millions of dollars in the gaming community.

Youtube and Twitch changed his life forever.