Fast Fashion is the mass production of trending clothing within a short period of time. Some well known fast fashion stores are H&M, Zara, Shein, Nike, Victoria Secret and many more.
As of right now Shein is the most popular. They are always up and running with customers willing to buy.
A majority of the stores in the mall are made up of fast fashion places. This is so they are easily accessible if a person prefers to shop in person instead of online. The most important part of this is that the fast fashion clothes are low cost as well. Despite the speed and the cost of the materials to make the clothes, the prices are cheap. This is because companies make more than enough money to make up for the cheap cost of items. This is beneficial to many because they get the clothes they need quicker for an inexpensive price.
During the year 2023 the industry was worth 1.7 trillion and has doubled since then. This is low considering the estimated future numbers. These businesses will only grow and never die out because clothes are something that people will need forever.
In the US about 54% of people follow fashion trends religiously and this industry works in their favor. They get clothes they want or need at a quick enough rate to have it while it’s still trending. The company’s main goals are to stay on top of trends, to grow larger and build a stable business. This is why they make sure they are producing items that are popular and many people will buy or be tempted to. In the past few years they have been very successful in achieving these goals.
However, many trends end quickly meaning they need to produce products fast causing overproduction. Fast fashion consumers will purchase new trending items and then quickly throw them away the moment they are not popular. This is harmful to the environment because the clothes are being produced at a rate that is causing them to become waste. Many items get lost in the mail or just stay at the factories and these piles begin to build up and no one uses them.
Companies will give away the excess clothes for free, but others dispose of the clothes in random places. Many people state that they will stop purchasing from fast fashion places, but they are not aware of which companies are tied to it. This is why all of them have at least shopped at one fast fashion store within the past year. Although fast fashion has helped many, it should be put to a stop or lessened. It is having more of a negative impact than a positive one especially on the environment.
3.4 billion waste takes up the planet and stopping fast fashion would help decrease this amount.