Return to the 2-D Animated Films: An Opinion

An Example of a 2-D Movie

An Example of a 2-D Movie

Liam Duffy, Staff Writer

Remember how all animated movies were animated in the 2-D traditional animation? It made them seem more real than some of the movies we have right now.

We need traditional animated movies because they are the core of how we invented animated movies. Before we had CGI (Computer Generated Imaging) movies, we thought 2-D movies were the best animated movies in the world. The world has 2-D movies everywhere and nobody complained about it.

We should keep 2-D movies and use CGI animation for movies that need that kind of feel or style. We shouldn’t forget the magic of 2-D animation that we watched as we grew up. They are like adult films for kids back during the day. Some of the animated movies are better than the live-action movies that we watch today.

They were much more epic and fun then the movies we have today, but there are some current movies that have caught our eyes. Disney is starting to lose the 2-D animation magic that we have loved for so many years. Do not worry because there are still people who love 2-D animation and they will bring it back one way or another.

There are even stories that still need to be animated and if they are animated in 2-D animation, then they will be remembered for all time just like “Beauty and the Beast”. We should never throw out a perfectly beautiful art; it is a core part of history and it will never disappear, even till the end of time.