Senior Spotlight: Melanie Parcells

Melanie Parcells
September 26, 2017
It is always said, by current students and graduates alike, that high school goes by really fast. Judging by what many of us Hawthorne High School seniors have experienced, that statement is very true. Before you know it you will be a senior applying to colleges and getting ready to leave. So before our current crop of HHS seniors leave our doors, The Clarion is interviewing students from the senior class. First up is Melanie Parcells.
Clarion: When did it first sink in that this is your last year?
Melanie: Truthfully, it really hasn’t yet.
Clarion: Who are your favorite teachers?
Melanie: Mr Kabrel, Mrs. Martinez, and Mr. Davidson.
Clarion: How has HHS changed since your freshman year?
Melanie: I don’t know how it has changed, but I know it changed me.
Clarion: What’s your favorite memory from Hawthorne High School?
Melanie: Being on crew for the play Twelve Angry Jurors.
Clarion: What are your plans for the future?
Melanie: To go to college.
Clarion: If you could talk to your freshman self what would you tell her?
Melanie: Try out for more clubs and don’t back down because you are shy.
Clarion: Last question: what is something you want to do before you graduate?
Melanie: Figure out what I want to be.