Senior Spotlight: Vanessa Peña

Vanessa Pena
September 27, 2017
“Senior Spotlight” will be an ongoing series throughout the school year, highlighting graduating seniors and their thoughts about their time here at Hawthorne High School coming to a close. Next up is senior Vanessa Peña.
Clarion: When did it first sink in that this is your last year here at HHS?
Vanessa: When I attended senior parent night…that’s when it really hit me.
Clarion: Who are your favorite teachers?
Vanessa: Mr. Van Winkle, Mr. Livingston, Ms. Clifford, Mrs Hackett and Mrs. Clark.
Clarion: How has HHS changed since your freshman year?
Vanessa: Beside the schedule changes, it really hasn’t.
Clarion: What’s your favorite memory from Hawthorne High School?
Vanessa: The start of my senior year…because I came into this year as a better person and I was able to take classes that I enjoy.
Clarion: What are your plans for the future?
Vanessa: I want to study communications in media.
Clarion: If you could talk to your freshman self what would you tell her?
Vanessa: To stop being so self conscious, try a little harder, and stop paying attention to drama.
Clarion: What is something you want to do before you graduate?
Vanessa: Go on vacation with my friends.