History Daylight Saving Time

March 13, 2018
The weather may not show it, but spring is coming soon and on March 11, America will be forwarding their clocks one hour ahead for the summer season. Daylight Savings Time is a modern part of our lives.
In 1905 an Englishman by the name of William Willet enacted the first campaign to use Daylight Savings Time. Willet indicated that the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe should forward their clocks by 80 minutes between the months of April and October. In 1907 he published a article called ” The Waste of Daytime” which pushed the term of wanting a “Summer Time.” William Willet died in 1915 a year before Germany and The United Kingdom enacted it on April 30, 1916.
National Daylight Savings Time started 2 years later in 1918 in America. Many people in rural parts of America did not agree with Daylight Savings and ignored it.
The Uniform Time Act started in 1966 making Daylight Savings a standard in America.The only exception to this would be Hawaii and Arizona, and all American Territories.
Soon on March 11 at 2 am the whole country will be seeing longer days and brighter skies until October when the clocks go back to standard time.