Serial Cat Killer on the Loose

March 13, 2019
Law enforcement of Monmouth County say that a serial cat killer is on the loose.
Police found at least two dead cats, and when they were found, they were in a very bad condition and were killed in a very cruel way.
The two male cats were colored black and white and about a year old. They were found in a garbage can 12 blocks away from Asbury Park. The investigators say that this might not have been an isolated incident.
The prosecutor’s office, along with the police department are requesting information about the death of the cats. They are also looking for anyone who might be aware of who could have owned these cats.
The Asbury Park police encourage anyone with information to contact the Monmouth County SPCA Animal Cruelty Hotline at (877) 898-7297 or the Asbury Park Police Department at (732) 774-1300.