What It’s Like To Be a Clown Assistant

May 10, 2019
Hello! My name is Danielle Fiorilla, I am 16 and I work as a clown assistant. You may wonder what being a clown assistant means. For me, being a clown assistant means I do face painting, balloons, glitter tattoos, cotton candy, and setting up our famous bubble show.
My job has its moments of “clowning around” but in all seriousness it’s a lot of hard work and practice. A lot of people ask me what it’s like to work in an industry like this, and my response is always, “It’s always a good day at work.”
But my favorite part of my job would probably be the kids’ reactions when they first see their face paint or balloons, or seeing how happy they get to go inside a bubble. Yes, go inside a bubble! We do this giant bubble for the kids to go inside and it’s so much fun for all ages.
I’ve heard from so many adults that have kids say, “Kids have a crazy imagination.” I used to laugh until I started working with kids and it’s so true. One kid asked me to make him a giant giraffe with pink spots and bunny ears out of balloons, “kids have crazy imaginations” is right.
While I’m working I can make a few different types of balloons. I can make flowers, puppies, swords, hats, crowns, and I am learning to make more things. Many kids have ideas of what they want, and most of the time I can make them. Making balloons take a lot of practice and patience. But if the balloon pops don’t get scared; that’s what they’re meant to do!
One of the other popular things we do is our glitter tattoos; those are one of my favorite things to do. Glitter tattoos are pretty self explanatory, but they are these tattoo stencils that get put on your arm, you add wash off glue on, and then add as many colors that you want! It’s a great way to be creative and use your imagination with the colors. One of my personal favorites that the kids can pick from is probably Spider Man or a mermaid.
Last, but not least, I will be talking about our daily routine for a party. First, my boss and I drive to the party. I usually go in introduce myself as Johie the clown’s assistant. Then I tell them we’re going to start bringing our stuff in for their party. We then start bringing our stuff in for either a bubble show or maybe a face painting. Then I set up our table, banner, and face paint. If they have face paint, then I get the brushes ready and get the birthday girl or boy to get their face painted.
Then I set up for our famous bubble show and get all the things set up. I sometimes gather the kids to do a little dance party and I do freeze dance with them until my boss is ready to start the show. Once she’s ready I get them seated, and ready for the show. I take a lot of pictures and videos. Then I clean up after the show with my boss, load up the car, and then we’re on to our next party.
Since I told you what my job is like what’s your job like?