Benefits of Mindful Meditation

Lili Fieldhouse, Staff Writer

In order to push yourself to your best capabilities each day, you must be present in the moment and be able to appreciate the beauty in life. 

With the rise of interest in meditation, people are discovering the benefits of meditation and mindfulness. Meditation is a habitual process of training your mind to focus and redirect the negative thoughts. 

The whole purpose of meditation is to become aware of what negative thoughts you have in that present moment and allow yourself to be in control of how it affects you. Meditation increases awareness not only with yourself, but also with your surroundings, and has much more benefits in order to create a better version of yourself. Here are a few!

  • Helps Control Anxiety 

When people suffer from anxiety, it is because they often ponder about the past or future. While meditating, the initial reasoning is to focus on the present and now of the moment. Breathing is another  important factor because it allows you to concentrate on your body with each inhale and exhale. This allows you to detach from the anxious mind, and identify any tension in the body, understand emotions, behavioral patterns, etc. 

  • Reduce Stress Levels

One of the reasons people try meditation is to reduce stress. There are many different meditation techniques that help with stress. Being present in the moment allows you to create space for mindfulness so that you are not consumed with worries. This creates a type of relaxation within yourself, a type of safe place. With an open mind, you are able to focus on what needs to be done and to understand you. 

  • Promotes Positive Emotional Health

Types of meditation have led to a positive increase in self-image. Studies have shown that mindfulness meditation has decreased depression in over 4,600 adults. Creating a routine of meditation can create long term benefits that help pursue an optimistic outlook on life. 


Just like anything else, learning something takes time and requires determination. Making the time and setting aside your worries for even 10 minutes a day can make an impact on your daily life. It is such a positive way to improve mental and emotional health because you are able to come in contact with your body’s needs while being at peace. If you do ever decide to start meditating, remember that you are doing it for you!