2022: A Different Approach

January 11, 2022
2022 has just begun.
As you know, the new year could always bring new and big changes to our lives. Multiple people are known for living up to the cliche “new year, new me” but how many people do we actually know that make it happen?
Some people set goals and feel obligated to change for the new year, but how does one actually do it? Through this new year there are many changes you can make and most of them by doing things in steps. Between changing and working on your mentality, maybe letting go of bad habits or even just starting a new hobby, could result in a new and better you for the year.
The cliche “new year new me” has been taken out of proportion by people, because they tried to make it something it’s not. People take those words and think “okay time for a glow up”, and when they say glow up they think changing the way they look to fit their standards…but that’s not even half of it.
New year, New me results in not just a glow up to your physical self, but to your mental self as well. Your physical self is a change in body…but changing one’s mental self is where you can really get the satisfaction of becoming a new you.
So physically, start working out. Your body will start to change…mentally, once you see these changes, you will become more confident. You continue working out…more bodily changes…more motivation kicks in…confidence is at an all time high…
How about then finding a hobby? Especially a hobby that involves activity…this way your body continues to be active and this will bring you happiness and comfort.
Another thing you could do for the new year is a life reset. I know life could be hard and sometimes you wish it came with a manual, but you could change your life. Resetting your life could be the “new year, new me” challenge for yourself. Maybe you work on finding more about yourself and embracing the inner you. Working on making money and begin to save that money could be another thing to do. Setting those goals for the “new year, new me” could result in a happy year and before you know it you could become a new person.