The Mariana Trench

Sophia Utvik, Editor

If you have no idea what the Mariana Trench is, feel free to gaze at the attached picture.

It is a seemingly endless trench, the deepest one in our oceans. It is 1554 feet long and 44 miles wide, it is assumed to be 7 miles deep, which doesn’t seem like a lot until you see it in meters.

The human body can go to around 35.5 km down in the ocean, while the Mariana Trench reaches 2540 km. If it were to be explored, it would take numerous decompression stops. A decompression stop is when divers have to take breaks in order to not experience nitrogen sickness. This sickness is actually nitrogen bubbles being trapped in the brain, which makes divers extremely fatigued and dizzy, and the diver can experience hallucinations and it usually leads to death.

The diver has to stop every 15 miles and swim in place for around 10 minutes so they do not experience this. The deeper you go, you have to take more decompression stops (15 minute stops every 10 miles, depending on the pressure). If the diver was to do this all the way down the Mariana Trench, the drop would take 120 minutes (2 hours), but with decompression stops, that can be multiplied to around 1820 minutes (31 hours).

Alongside the dangerous temperatures, pitch black waters, decompression stops, nitrogen sickness, unknown escapes, it not being researched, and the amount of oxygen you’d need, we have no idea what else lives there.

There are barreleye fish, benthocodon, jellyfish, dragonfish, hatchetfish, octopi, frilled shark, and thousands more microorganisms.

For all we know, there might be even be a Megalodon.