Wild turkeys are native to the United States and roam across many different regions and states across the country. In NJ humans cause a great threat to their survival. In the late 1800’s colonization and industrialization in NJ caused turkey numbers to lower. With help from a division of biologists and the NJ Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation, turkeys were able to bounce back.
In 1977, 22 wild turkeys were introduced back into the wild. Shortly after in 1981, a hunting season was deemed viable due to the population growth. So from 1981 to 1992 the amount of turkey’s hunted ranged from 71 to 877 per season with an average Mean Brood size being 5.0. From then on the population of wild turkeys grew and so did the amount hunted each year.
Turkey hunting consists of two different seasons: a spring and fall season. As of 2024 the spring season starts April 19, 2025 and ends May 23, 2025. The Fall season is already over for this year as it started October 26, 2024 and ended November 2, 2024. To hunt turkeys you need to meet a range of requirements. You are required to have a hunting license, a turkey hunting license, a non-electronic calling device and you must report your harvest. So, if you do all that, you will be able to hunt in one of the two seasons allowed.
Turkey hunting has many different regions to hunt. In NJ there is 22 different zones across the state that you can hunt in. Long, Recurve, Compound, and crossbows along with shotguns single or double barrel are allowed to hunt as long as you use the right ammo.
Taken straight from the Department of Fish and Wildlife in Nj
Bow: long, recurve, compound or crossbow.
35 pounds pull at archer’s draw length (long
and recurve bows) or peak weight (compound bow) or 75 pounds minimum draw
weight (crossbow)
Arrows must be fitted with a well- sharpened metal broadhead with a minimum
width of ¾”
All bows MUST be unlocked or uncocked
Shotgun: single or double barrel
Not smaller than 20 gauge and not larger
than 10 gauge, capable of holding no more
than three shells
No shot larger than #4 fine shot or smaller
than #7 1/2 fine shot
Shotgun MUST be cased and unloaded while
in or on a vehicle, including ATVs and UTVs