Anxiety is something everyone feels, whether it be for work, school, sports or problems with family/friends.
Anxiety disorder is a problem of fear or worrying so much that it affects day to day activity. There are three variations of anxiety disorders that include panic disorders, generalized anxiety disorders and social anxiety disorders.
The concept of anxiety was something that was first discovered all the way back in 1894 by Dr. Sigmund Freud, an Austrian neurologist and the creator of psychoanalysis. Even with anxiety being something known for centuries, it was not included in the classification systems until 1980. Since then, researchers have devoted their work to making sure illnesses like anxiety are properly classified.
Symptoms of anxiety disorder include feeling restless, nervous or tense. It also includes an inability to concentrate, fatigue, and easy irritability. The best way to take care of yourself is to take it easy at all times, don’t let overthinking control what’s really going on and stay hydrated.
Mental health should never be a shameful topic and should instead be cared for and understood to the best of everyone’s ability. With that being said, if you think you have anxiety please do further research and get help.