“The unlawful act of transporting or coercing people in order to benefit from their work or service, typically in the form of forced labor or sexual exploitation.”
This defines what human trafficking truly is. We raise awareness of human trafficking in January.
In order to potentially move closer to stopping human trafficking from occurring regularly, the goal is to educate others who might not fully understand what it is. Papers that include significant ribbons and hand symbols that symbolize the signs of human trafficking are displayed throughout the school and hung in classrooms and hallways.
These are posted in the hopes that an increasing number people will notice and contribute to raising awareness of these types of situations. In the long run, this can benefit many victims and put an end to human trafficking if individuals are able to identify situations where it might be happening and stop it or report it to someone. Students are making it a point to display these posters in areas of the school that would draw a lot of people.