Ever wonder what books are in our library? Well until now, there was no way of knowing. But now right on your computer is an easy way to search the library collection. The school district of Hawthorne has just purchased a library cataloging program called Follett Destiny. The Destiny icon is now on every computer desktop in Hawthorne High School. Click on it and you’ll be able to type in the name of the book you’re looking for, and it will then show you its location in the library and its availability. Not only can you check a book’s availability, but by clicking on the tab called ‘Destiny Quest’ you can do things like make a wish list of books you’d like to read, see which books are similar to ones you’ve recently read, and see when new books are available. You can even search our library catalog at home by going to www.destiny.hawthorne.k12.nj.us or by clicking on the link on the High School Media Center web page. Having this advantage will make it easier for you to find out if you can get the book at school or should head over to the public library. Along with the high school, the middle and elementary schools are also going to offer this program. So, if one of these schools has a book the high school doesn’t, the book can be retrieved and given to you quickly. So check it out.
Make Destiny your Destiny
March 29, 2012