HHS Media Center: February
February 10, 2022
The HHS Media Center has a lot to offer for the month of February.
This upcoming month is Black History month and the media center will have a display that represents it. Also this month there is the Lunar New Year (the Year of the Tiger began on February 1) and many wonderful displays and decorations that are celebrating Valentine’s Day.
Many students can still continue to go to the media center this month during lunchtime, where they can play chess, or maybe a board game, put together a puzzle, or just simply read.
Speaking about reading, another fun thing that occurs in the media center is this thing known as “caught reading.”
The concept of “caught reading” is simple…when someone is caught reading a book in the media center, they get a picture taken. The picture then gets pasted on a board, which includes the book’s title (that they were reading) and the author as well.
One new announcement for the month: There is now a Google Classroom code you can join for any help you may need (involving writing, like writing research papers) and there are video tutorials posted as well.