The Dawn of the Trump Administration
Inauguration 2017
January 25, 2017
January 20 will be a day where many Americans who either like Trump (or despise him) will see history be made as he and Mike Pence will be sworn in as President and Vice President.
Trump was sworn in by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. and Pence was sworn in by Chief Justice Clarence Thomas. Trump placed his hand on top of two Bibles, one that Abraham Lincoln used for his ceremony and one that was given to him by his mother as a child. Trump’s wife Melania is the First Lady.
Inauguration Day began on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol. The oaths were later followed by their own inaugural addresses. The security was very strict with perimeters surrounding the area. Anti-Trump protesters clashed with police in downtown DC. Disarray began when protesters started to smash storefronts and bus stops, and hammered out the windows of parked cars. In anger, protesters launched rocks at police who were lined up in a crosswalk. Officers then responded to the crowd by launching various smoke and flash-bang devices to simmer and calm down the crowd. Protesters were also met with pepper spray to try to control them. Police did this to protect other people and properties. These events were heard from blocks away.
As the Obamas leave the White House, they will be moving into a home in the Kalorama section of DC. Their house is luxurious and grand. The house was built in 1928. The whole house is about 8,200 square feet. The move-in process has already begun. The Obamas will gain new neighbors such as Amazon founder Jeff Bezos. The Obamas will lease the home from Joe Lockhart, who served as press secretary under President Bill Clinton’s administration. The Obamas will reside their until their daughter Sasha finishes high school.