Hawthorne Movie Theater Temporarily Closes

March 23, 2020
The Hawthorne Movie Theater has closed temporarily amid Corona Virus concerns.
As of Saturday night, the Hawthorne Movie Theater closed until further notice. A notice on the window went up announcing this, which read, “Hawthorne theater is closed until further notice. Please call our recording @ 973-427-2828 or check our website @ www.hawthornetheatres.com for future updates. Stay Safe and healthy – Theater management.”
The Hawthorne Movie Theater has been open for over 90 years almost 365 days a year. This closure is the first time this has ever happened and is the result of Corona virus fears.
This closure came just after Bergen County mandated the closing of movie theaters with fixed seating in their own county. Bergen is the hardest hit county in the state with 29 confirmed cases as of Monday March 16. As you are likely already aware Hawthorne borders Bergen County so these safety precautions make sense in order to keep staff and customers safe.
In a text sent out to the staff of the Movie Theater late Saturday night and it was announced by management that they anticipate to be closed for at least the next two weeks in the wake of the Corona virus outbreak.
However this is not set in stone and the amount of time the theater remains closed can and will change as the situation changes.