Warm Weather is Here!

Kaleah Morrison, Staff Writer

As we all know with COVID-19 around, this winter has been a very weird and crazy one. The warm weather is approaching yet again while we’re still in this pandemic, this means that we will need new ways to become active and distract ourselves from being inside all the time in this weather. As someone who is severely affected by seasonal allergies it’s hard to go outside most of the time. In this article I will include various ways to keep yourself busy from inside your home, to outside of your home.

To start off, if you live with a large family you should begin planning family dinner nights if you haven’t already. With these dinner nights the family can cook and prepare the meal together providing a lot of bonding. After the meal is prepared together, then you and your family can eat outside and enjoy the nice weather! Eating outside doesn’t require a nice patio or huge backyard; you can whip out some blankets and have a mini family picnic outside. It could make a huge difference in the relationships at home as you continue to cook and eat together. It’s proven that cooking with your family helps to improve and rebuild connections within each other.  If you really prefer to do things without your family, you can go on a walk, run, or picnic with yourself in the park. Here in Hawthorne, the Goffle Brook Park is perfect for all of these options. At the park you can peacefully do homework, for example painting there is very relaxing.

Speaking of the park, it’s very good to try and get a good start to your morning; when you go to bed early, try to catch the sunrise at the park. You seriously won’t regret it, and if you’re up to it you can get in an early morning workout. If you’re ever stressed and just tired of your day, go watch the sunset! Breathing in the fresh air and watching the sunset as the birds fly by, is very calming and peaceful. Being in nature and in the sun is very helpful with clearing your head of any negative thoughts. Another amazing idea to do alone or with friends/family is having a sleepover with a series of movies to rewatch. For example Grown-Ups, the Halloween movies, the Creed movies, etc. With this marathon night, you’ll be able to relax by yourself, or bond with your peers without getting bored quickly.

Lastly, the best idea in my opinion, is at home workouts with a partner. As we’re all cooped up into the house it’s hard to get out. With this warm weather, it’s the best opportunity to finally get out and workout outside. Working out doesn’t always have to be annoying and tiring; you can seriously make it fun. Get creative by making your own weights with things such as a backpack filled with books, or even a little brother if they’re ok with that! Having a partner by your side will completely help motivate the both of you, the sun and fresh air will aid in making your day a bit brighter.

These are just some nice and easy going ideas for anyone who is stuck inside with this beautiful weather. Every activity I named can only help further improve yourself and the people around you. Try out one of my ideas, and see how much it’ll improve your lifestyle as you continue to do it.