The long awaited spring has finally arrived.
Last year the first day of spring was March 20, however this year it is pushed back further by one day. The month of January and the winter season of this year seemed to never end. Many complained that it was miserable, but were happy when snow began falling a little after Christmas. It had been a while since the snow had stuck and people were actually able to play in it. Many people went ice skating, sledding and skiing. It was cool during this time, but not windy or uncomfortably cold so it was enjoyable.
However this joy quickly ended when the harsh weather rolled in and it was 15 degrees with 50 mph wind in some places. Many were forced to bring out gloves, scarves, a hat and a big jacket to keep them warm and prevent a cold.
Once the weather reached the 50s people were very excited and began to spend more time outside. They started going on walks and many people left the house for the first time in a while. The countdown until spring began and people knew this meant warmer weather was coming and lots and lots of rain.
According to Rasmussen Reports, twenty two percent of people state that spring is their favorite season. This is because of the longer days and beautiful plants that begin to grow. The sun and nice weather gives off a feeling of peace and brings people closer together. The sun influences the brain’s release of serotonin which is why when spring begins to roll in people get happier.
Now is the time to enjoy the nice weather that has finally come. The sports seasons are beginning and practices are being held outside. The parks are open to walk in, hangout or just get in extra practice. The outside areas of food places are opening up as well as ice cream shops. These activities are all created to help those that have been stuck inside all winter get out. It provides more options and opportunities for things to participate in when bored. Even the rainy days are seen as a positive because it helps the plants regain health after being drained of all their water during the rough winter season.