Starting this school year in September, the federal government requires new healthy changes in school lunches around the nation, affecting all lunches served in Hawthorne public schools. The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act was signed by President Obama and supports First Lady Michelle Obama’s campaign to end childhood obesity. According to the Wall Street Journal, Mrs. Obama believes, “This isn’t just about inches and pounds, and it’s not about how our kids look. It’s about how our kids feel, and it’s about how they feel about themselves.”
Although few disagree with the intent of this law, many at Hawthorne High School are unhappy about it. “I understand why they’re portioning the food, but I am still hungry after lunch,” HHS student, Mahin Chowdhury, commented.
Some of these healthy changes include fewer proteins and grains, no bread basket on the food service counter, whole wheat wraps, and less meat on sandwiches. Also, the wrap size went from twelve to ten inches. In addition, it is mandatory that all students have a fruit or vegetable with their lunches.
Food service worker, Ken Ross, said, “I think it’s disappointing that the government has to get involved in something that should be a parental decision. It seems like it’s an infringement on personal decisions. Kids aren’t in lunch long enough to get over weight.”
Judy DeKnight, food service director of Pomptonian Food Services, added, “I don’t personally like the change. I feel like the students don’t enjoy the lunch as much. I like to serve things that everyone enjoys.”