Approximately 170 students in first-year biology courses will be taking the Biology Competency Test (NJBCT) at Hawthorne High School on Tuesday, May 21 and Wednesday May 22, 2013.
The New jersey Department of Education states on its website that all New Jersey public high school students enrolled in a first-year biology course are required to complete the end of course exam regardless of grade level. These tests are intended to evaluate content knowledge and science process skills using an end-of-course exam rather than a comprehensive test for grades 9 to 12. A comprehensive test is based on only a certain area of biology, whereas an end-of-course exam covers everything that has been taught.
The NJBCT is a test that measures whether students have gained the knowledge and skills of the course. The test will help determine whether a student is making satisfactory progress toward mastering the biology skills the state deems necessary to graduate from high school with. Unlike NJ’s High School Proficiency Assessment evaluations that all Juniors have to take, the NJBCT does not affect a student’s graduation status.
According to the NJBCT preparation booklet, which can be found on the Department of Education for New Jersey’s website, the test consists of two types of questions. The first type is multiple choice, where students select the correct answer from four choices (A, B, C, or D). The second type is a performance assessment task where students respond to a biology task by writing a detailed explanation of their solution to a problem. Responses to all questions are recorded in a separate answer folder.
When students receive their NJBCT Score Report, it will show a total score and a subtotal score for specific knowledge. The total score, which is the score a student receives on the overall test, is measured on a scale of Advanced Proficient, Proficient, or Partially Proficient. If someone has not reached the level of partially proficiency, the school may give additional help to develop the skills in future years. The subtotal score is the score a student receives on each individual section.
If you are a New Jersey high school student taking the NJBCT this week, remember to get a good night’s sleep, read all directions thoroughly, and think positively! If you are an HHS student not taking the NJBCT, there will be a delayed opening, with classes beginning at 9:30 a.m.