Italian Club Movie Night

Movie Night
November 25, 2015
The Italian Club, led by Mrs. Marisa Fusaro, held its first ever movie night on Wednesday, November 18 at 6:30 pm in Room 111. The Italian Club executive board voted on a fun Italian themed movie for the whole club to watch. The movie that was voted upon was “The Lizzie McGuire Movie.”
Everyone was ecstatic to watch it, as it brought back memories from childhood. In addition to watching the movie, the club also ordered delicious pizza from Tastee Pizza and Mrs. Fusaro brought the club yummy cookies!
Club advisor, Mrs. Fusaro shared, “I think it was a good opportunity for us to just have a fun, relaxing, social event rather than a fundraiser. It was a great bonding experience for the whole club!”
Club members brought blankets, lawn chairs, and pillows to lounge on during the duration of the movie.
Italian Club secretary, Cielle Tousignant excitedly stated, “I had so much fun and the pizza was delicious! There’s nothing like a classic Italian movie like Lizzie McGuire.”
Overall, the club had an amazing night and can’t wait to hold more movie nights in the future!