The Art Show of Black and White Studies

Sample of Artwork
December 9, 2015
Only a few months into the school year, and Hawthorne High School is already blown away with the art show that is showcased in the school media center. Danielle Russo, our talented art teacher, has challenged her “Intro to Art” and intermediate students to draw in black and white. The artists who are being featured are: Aaron Hoyt, Shayla Rodriguez, Shaina Issaac, Andrea Nelson, Rose Walsh, Ericka Working,Kieran McAllister, Cassie Rivera, Sophia Depinto, and Ashley Liriano.
Everyone’s art pieces are breathtaking. Aaron Hoyt drew the well known Joey Graceffa embracing his fabulous lifestyle. Shayla Rodriguez drew an amazing piece of pop art. Andrea Nelson captured Lana Del Rey’s beauty. Senior Cassie Rivera truly captured the emotion hidden behind her piece.
I asked Aaron Hoyt about how he felt about his drawing being displayed, he responded “I’m honored and flattered to have my artwork showcased, its nice to know that my hard work and dedication is appreciated.”
Not only are these art pieces well drawn, but it’s time to appreciate the hard work that was put into it and how long they took to accomplish it. Media Center specialist Theresa DiGeronimo stated, “This first exhibit in our student gallery is a great way to start the school year. The black and white images really display the drawing talents of our art students and add so much to our library.”
Ms. Russo was asked about how she felt about showcasing her students work, and she replied,“I picked the black and white drawings because they demonstrate the wide range of talent in the building. Its great to see the talent in our intermediate and intro classes.”