Ecology Club Field Trip

January 4, 2016
Throughout the months of November and December, the Ecology Club led by Mr. Scott Crimmel, went on three different trips to Washington Elementary School, Jefferson Elementary School, and Roosevelt Elementary School. The Club’s objective was to educate third grade students about recycling, landfills, and overall taking steps to protect the environment. Mr. Scott Crimmel added, “We try to get kids while they are young to recognize important environmental issues.”
First, the Ecology Club students talked about things that can be recycled and things that could not be recycled. The club also had an interactive activity planned for the elementary school students, where the kids would select an item from a bag and either place it in a pile labeled as “recyclable everywhere”, “recyclable everywhere except Hawthorne” or “non-recylable.” Students learned that batteries and Styrofoam cannot be recycled in Hawthorne, but they can be recycled almost everywhere else. The objective of the game was to show the third graders that practically everything is recyclable, since there were no items in the “non-recyclable” pile.
Next, the high school students had the kids make a drawing of recyclable items so that they could hang it up on their refrigerators at home. This picture would help to remind them, as well as their families, to recycle every day!
At the end of the lesson and activities, the Ecology Club students had asked the kids if they learned anything new and several hands shot up to reiterate the new, important information that was just taught. The Ecology Club had successfully done their job as the elementary school students learned how to protect the environment in new efficient ways. Senior, Lara Bookholt commented on the overall experience by stating, “The students seemed intrigued with the information we set forth. It was a great experience for me, since I hope to become a teacher.”
The Ecology Club is excited to further spread awareness in and outside of the classroom as the year goes on!