HHS English Teacher Writes Best Seller

March 31, 2016
Hawthorne English teacher Ms. Shaina Tullo has just announced that her most recently published book has recently taken the top spot on the New York Times Bestseller list. The Clarion was able to ask Ms. Tullo some questions about her recent top-selling book.
Clarion Interviewer: What is the book about?
Ms. Tullo: “The book is about a very intelligent, very funny, and very handsome young man who is making the transition from middle school to high school. The book follows him and his friends throughout their journey in their first year of high school.”
Clarion Interviewer: Where were you able to draw inspiration from for this book?
Tullo: “I won’t say any names, but there is a boy in my Period 2 English I Honors class who very much reminds me of the character I have created for this book.”
Clarion Interviewer: Hey, I’m in that class!
Tullo: “Yes you are.”
Clarion Interviewer: Did you expect this book to become so popular?
Tullo: “No I did not. In all honesty, I was just writing this book for the point of writing. I tweeted a link on my twitter so my followers could read it and a publishing company contacted me and they told me that they loved it and would like to publish it!”
Clarion Interviewer: What are you going to do with your newfound success?
Tullo: “I am going to continue teaching English classes at Hawthorne High School , but I will most definitely be continuing my writing career and will be attempting to write books that are as successful as this one is.”
Clarion Interviewer: Thank you for your time and good luck with your future writing.
Tullo: “Thank you!”