Spring Musical or Spring Disaster?

Kaitlyn Melendez, Staff Writer

The theater program, here at HHS, is really nothing but drama right now. With just a month before the show, director Jill Hackett, has cancelled the spring musical. After months of preparation for cast, crew, and pit, Guys and Dolls will not go on. Everyone is furious.

The Clarion asked senior actor, Kareem Habal, his opinion on all the chaos.

His response was, “I am very upset. I wanted to perform the musical in front of a bunch of people. But now that it’s cancelled, I feel like I wasted my time.” Almost everyone who planned on being a part of the show feels this way, and they’re not afraid to express it.

“This was supposed to be my last show. I am furious. How could she do such an atrocious thing when this was going to be one of my last high school memories with all my friends?! I am so disappointed. All I can think about is all of the money and time that I wasted. I looked forward going to the play every night and now, all my hard work went to nothing. I feel cheated. I feel like this was some type of joke. I am appalled,” said senior Mackenzie Costello, as she flipped a table.

Now from the crew standpoint, Dakota Brantner, sophomore costume girl, said a few words about all the drama. “The costume girls are enraged at the news of the show being cancelled. Pulling out boxes and boxes of costumes to find the perfect fit for each and every character is unimaginable. All our hard work just went down the drain in an instant. Everyone is so disappointed and we can’t find the words to describe how messed up it was to just cancel something that everyone was looking forward to.”

As you can see, it is never ending drama for all of the theater kids. How will Hackett live this down?