Saying Goodbye

June 10, 2016
After four years of crowded hallways, humid classrooms, lengthy research papers, and many other memories, one of the saddest parts of high school occurs; that is when it comes to an end. And the end brings one thing: a goodbye. But how do you say goodbye to the second home you have lived and grown in for the past four years?
There are two goodbyes. The first is the one the seniors must say. Goodbye may be said with signatures in a yearbook or photographs on the day of graduation. Many seniors may choose to cherish their last moments, while others will go without looking back. Pep rallies will be remembered by roaring still ringing in their ears. Sports’ teams and clubs will stay in high school, but will never really be forgotten. The first day as a freshman will roll through minds, as pomp and circumstance plays. The final “go bears” will be said and the goodbyes will be done.
The second goodbye is the one the underclassmen must say to their upperclassmen. After one to two or even three years of sharing the love of being a Hawthorne Bear, the underclassmen must say goodbye and let their leaders and role models move on. Goodbye is usually said with tears and hugs. Gifts may be given and pictures may be taken, to be there when memories are needed to be remembered. Rides up to college or moving into dorm rooms may be included in saying goodbye and although high school may not be over for underclassmen, it will never be the same without the seniors.
Although goodbyes are sad and feel like the end, it is never truly goodbye. Seniors will come back to visit their alma mater and the blue spirit will quickly be temporarily replaced for the college colors because once a Hawthorne Bear, always a Hawthorne Bear.
Congratulations to the Hawthorne High School Class of 2016, may your future endeavors be everything you hope for!