Inspiration for Mr. Hawthorne

The Incredible Ms. Russo
March 1, 2017
Once a year, people from all over town rush to get through Hawthorne High School’s auditorium doors to see one of the best shows ever performed. Mr. Hawthorne has been going on for 5 years and it all started with one of the most loved teachers at Hawthorne High School, Ms. Danielle Russo. Aside from being an art teacher, she also runs the Art Club after school every Thursday, and is the student activities co-director. Despite her hectic schedule, she is the founder of Mr. Hawthorne and is the person who makes this show possible. To learn more about this twist of a performance, the HHS Clarion had the pleasure of interviewing Ms. Russo and asked her a few questions of how this amazing show all started and what she has planned for this upcoming performance.
Hawthorne Clarion: What inspired you to think of Mr. Hawthorne?
Ms. Russo: Jimmy Fallon. Haha…I loved his singing and dancing skits. I had done talent shows in previous years as an advisor, and wanted to bring it back…but in a different way. I felt like we needed a show that would just make people laugh, and I thought a spoof on a beauty pageant with guys would be hilarious. Putting them in ridiculous outfits, having our cheerleaders teach them dance moves, etc…I knew that would be funny, I just didn’t know who would be part of a show like this.
Hawthorne Clarion: Did you ever imagine this show becoming such a success when first starting it?
Ms. Russo: No way. I thought it would only be for that one time. Every year I watch the video of the first show with the current guys, and still remember how I stood backstage in that year thinking everyone in the crowd thought I was a crazy lady!
Hawthorne Clarion: Would you ever consider having a Mrs. Hawthorne?
Ms. Russo: I am asked this question a lot. I would love to do something with the ladies. Unfortunately, I think the show would be less of a spoof on a beauty pageant.
Hawthorne Clarion: What do you enjoy most and least about Mr. Hawthorne and why?
Ms. Russo: Hmm…I enjoy making people laugh, seeing the boys interact and crack each other up during practices. I also enjoy the crazy family we have all become in these 6 years. This show exemplifies kids being kids, and I think the goofiness, creativity, and “talent” is what people come out to see. In terms of any negatives? Um it’s not always easy getting 10 teenage boys to be organized!
Hawthorne Clarion: For this year’s show, how is it similar and different than last year’s performance?
Ms. Russo: Since the first year, I have kept to the same formula: choreographed dance, talent round, runway show, and question round. Last year’s show, since it was the 5 year anniversary, I made the dance longer, had them sing in it, and had a special alumni video. I keep everything secretive until the night of, but I can tell you that this year’s dance will impress you, and there will be more musical talent than before.
Now that you know a little bit of the history of Mr. Hawthorne, mark your calendar for March 4 to see one of the most hilarious and entertaining performances that you will ever witness. You can bring your family and friends to see a show of lifetime that will instantly make you laugh so hard that you will start crying. The show starts at 7:30 PM and tickets are being sold right now. For any questions, contact Ms. Russo. The Clarion would like to thank Ms. Russo for sharing her inspiration for Mr. Hawthorne and we look forward to seeing what she has in store for this year’s performance.