Classic Clarion: Students and Staff Show Support

March 16, 2017
Since war became a reality in the Middle East, many of the students and faculty have been wearing yellow ribbons in support of the troops. All of us have been affected by the war, some more deeply than others. Hope Foley, a junior, organized a demonstration of support which took place on February 1.
On the morning of February 1, all of the students and faculty of Hawthorne High School demonstrated support for the American forces. The school was surrounded by the students, united by a yellow ribbon. The ribbon contained signatures of many of the students.
A short ceremony which occurred in front of the high school, was opened with a letter from Dr. Specht, who is currently recuperating from an operation. She sent her love and support to all the activities at Hawthorne High School.
Hope Foley, the originator and organizer of the demonstration, then gave a brief speech. She said that all of us have different feelings about the war; each student stands united in supporting the troops. “We each have our own personalities and styles; however, together, today united by a yellow ribbon, supporting our servicemen and women overseas.”
She stressed that we cannot physically help the troops, but “we can show them that we care and well continue to care until they all safely reach home.”
Wreathes tied with yellow ribbon were then presented to the Minnicozzi family and the Miniaci family, who have sons serving in Saudia Arabia. The band concluded the program by playing America the Beautiful and The National Anthem.