Assistant Vice Principal Mr. Mazzacca

Mr. Art Mazzacca
September 25, 2017
As the 2017-2018 school year begins, there has been many new teachers and adjustments in Hawthorne High School. Mr. Arthur Mazzacca, is now not only our Athletic Director, but the Assistant Vice Principal of HHS. He has been a part of our school system for countless years and The Clarion had the opportunity to ask him a couple of questions about his new position.
Clarion Reporter: What are your duties as Assistant Vice Principal?
Mazzacca: As Assistant Vice Principal, I still retain my duties as Athletic Director, but I now run Student Activities. I am the head of Social Studies, Physical Education, and Business Departments. I also work to build up the Security and Maintenance Departments.
Clarion Reporter: What are the benefits of HHS having two Vice Principals?
Mazzacca: Having such a large population at Hawthorne High School, it gives Mr. Jandoli and I an opportunity to divide the duties. Also, if one of us is not here, Mr. Lagrone always has someone here to help him out.
Clarion Reporter: How are you managing being Athletic Director and Assistant Vice Principal?
Mazzacca: Time management plays a big part in these two jobs; it has been difficult, but I am now starting to ease into it. These jobs take a lot of running around, but I am happy to be involved during the school day.
Clarion Reporter: What do you hope to accomplish?
Mazzacca: I want to continue to make Hawthorne High a place where kids look forward to coming and enjoying. Also, I want to give back the the experience that I had at HHS.
The Clarion would like to thank Mr. Mazzacca for his time and we are all excited to see what he brings to the table in the 2017-2018 school year.