Book Talk: A New Library Lunchtime Workshop

October 5, 2017
September 25, 2017 marked the first meeting of Hawthorne High School’s Book Talk, one of the media center’s many lunchtime workshops, and if things go as planned, there will hopefully be more meetings every month!
Book Talk is a great workshop for those that love to read and enjoy talking about the different themes or interesting aspects of books. Essentially a book club, the library workshop is a great opportunity to bring Hawthorne High School students with a common interest together.
As this was only the first meeting, the workshop mostly consisted of talking about where the club should go in the future and of course, what book should be read through the month of October. As this time of the year usually tends to bring up interests regarding horror, with Halloween right around the corner, the Book Talk members all decided to go with a horror genre.
Those who managed to attend the lunchtime workshop during the A lunch slot agreed on reading a variety of stories in the decided genre, some reaching for Edgar Allen Poe tales and others for the terrifying works of H.P. Lovecraft. Meanwhile, the students in the B lunch slot all decided on a group book, Agatha Christie’s The A.B.C Murders.
If you have read any of the books listed above or even stories fitting the theme and written by the authors mentioned, make sure to attend the next meeting on Tuesday October 31, when Halloween festivities will take place!