Fire at Father English

Father English Community Center
November 15, 2017
For the first part of the school year here at Hawthorne High School, the SHARE club has been collecting canned goods for a community center called Father English, which is located in Paterson, New Jersey. Father English is a food pantry and clothing closet that helps people with low to no incomes feed and dress their families. The situation for each individual may differ, but the impact it makes stays the same.
Just recently, Father English suffered from a fire in their building. They lost most of their supplies, and are now in dire need for more.Thankfully, no injuries were reported. The cause of the fire is still unknown, but the Paterson Fire Department is continuing to investigate it. They have found a temporary home at Eva’s Village, until they either relocate or rebuild. If you would like to help out,you can visit one of the following websites: