First Year Drum Major

Nikki Schuldt
November 16, 2017
The Clarion was interested in the Hawthorne High School’s first year drum major, Nikki Schuldt, and her experiences and responsibilities as a drum major. The drum major is a student leader of the marching band and they are selected upon their work ethic, passion, and character. Nikki was recently interviewed and she gave us insight as to what her duties, responsibilities, and goals were for this season.
Clarion Reporter: What is your job as Drum Major?
Nikki: As drum major I conduct the show music and stand tunes, lead music rehearsal, and teach marching technique. I keep the staff connected with the students by relaying messages, giving instructions, and keeping things in order.
Clarion Reporter: When and why did you decide you wanted the position of Drum Major?
Nikki: I decided I wanted to be Drum Major halfway through my junior year. I wanted to challenge myself with the position, and I wanted to promote the changes I wanted to see in the program.
Clarion Reporter: What were some of your goals for this season and did you accomplish them?
Nikki: My goal for this season was to have our full show score above 80 in competition. I’m proud and happy to say we accomplished this goal.
Clarion Reporter: How do you believe you have impacted the band?
Nikki: I believe I created a positive environment and instilled good foundation in the rookies.
Clarion Reporter: What is it about band that you love?
Nikki: I enjoy playing the music, but I am most grateful for the friends I have made and connected with in this program.